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CSS footers

Showcasing some unique and interesting CSS based footers.

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51 Great Places To Find Wordpress Themes

OneMansGoal.com presents more Wordpress resources than you're ever likely to need.

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Do you follow logo design trends?

David Airey poses the question to designers if they follow logo design trends.

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Being a web designer is more than knowing CSS and HTML

Jeff Croft from Blue Flavor talks about the importance of actually being a designer over just knowing HTML and CSS. In a bit of a rant-style post he talks about the importance of actually knowing design theory to appropriately label yourself a web designer.

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CSS Galleries/Showcases & their Alexa rankings

A list of 92 known CSS Website Galleries and their Alexa rankings

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A gallery of nicely designed Wordpress powered sites.

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Learn Apache mod_rewrite: 13 Real-world Examples

Sitepoint has some great real world examples on how to use mod rewrite to get your variable ridden URLs into clean and more efficient URLs using .htaccess.

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CSS 3 Update

Latest progress updates on CSS 3, including proposal to allow for element rotation.

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